Information for players using BTTC
- Government and TTE social distancing and hygiene measures are to be followed at all times when required to do so.
- Do not come to the Centre if you have any Corona Virus symptoms or have been in contact with someone who has been tested positive for Corona Virus.
- Players agree in advance to follow notices and guidance which are on display.
- Towels and water bottles etc to always be kept in a players ba
- Take responsibility for your own hygiene by bringing your own hand gel in addition to that provided at the Centre.
- For those who have downloaded the Covid App please use the displayed QR code sited at the entr
- Payment for consumables should be by Credit/Debit card wherever possible and the minimum card transaction has been reduced to 60p in order to facilitate this.
- All glasses should be returned to the Bar and disposable items e.g. crisp packets, sweet wrappers, drinks cans etc. and put in the appropriate waste bin provided before leaving the premises.
- No drink (apart from water) and food to be taken into the playing area and should be consumed in the lounge.
- On arrival at the Centre please give your name to the Bar Steward in order to confirm your booking and for logging onto the table allocation sheets. This will facilitate any track and trace requirements should the Centre be required to supply such information.
- All players agree to the booking conditions and serious breaches of these may require the offender to leave the premises by the session supervisor.